The Last Jews of Libya, narrated by Isabella Rossellini, documents the final decades of a centuries-old Sephardic Jewish community. Thirty-six thousand Jews lived in Libya at the end of World War II, but not a single one remains today. The Last Jews of Libya traces the story of the Roumani family of Benghazi, Libya from Turkish Ottoman rule through the age of Mussolini and Hitler and the horrors of World War II to the final destruction and dispersal of Libya’s Jews in the face of Arab nationalism. Available in English, Italian, and Hebrew versions.

THE movie
The Last Jews of Libya documents the final decades of a centuries-old Sephardic Jewish community through the lives of the Roumani family. Thirty-six thousand Jews lived in Libya at the end of World War II, but not a single one remains today. A tale of war, cultural dislocation, and one family’s ultimate perseverance, this fifty-minute film traces the story of the Roumanis of Benghazi, Libya from Turkish Ottoman rule through the age of Mussolini and Hitler to the final destruction and dispersal of Libya’s Jews in the face of Arab nationalism.
Based on the recently discovered memoirs of the family’s matriarch, Elise Roumani, as well as interviews in English, Hebrew, Italian, and Arabic with several generations of the Roumani family and a trove of rare archival film and photographs, it is an unforgettable tale.
The Last Jews of Libya is the story of an ancient community transformed by modern European culture, buffeted by Fascism and Arab nationalism, and ultimately saved through the strength of its Jewish tradition and faith.
Les Derniers Juifs de Libye documente les dernières décennies d’une communauté séfarade séculaire à travers l’histoire de la famille Roumani. Des 36 000 Juifs qui peuplaient la Libye à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il n’en reste plus un seul aujourdhui. Un récit de guerre, de dislocation culturelle et de l’extrême persévérance d’une famille, ce film de cinquantes minutes retrace l’histoire de la famille Roumani de Benghasi, Libye, depuis la domination ottomane, pendant l’époque de Mussolini et de Hitler et jusqu’à la destruction finale et la dispersion des Juifs de Libye face à la pression du nationalisme arabe.
En s’appuyant sur la récente découverte des mémoires de la matriarche, Elise Tammam Roumani, sur des entretiens, en anglais, en hébreu, en italien et en arabe, avec plusieurs générations de la famille Roumani et sur un trésor d’archives cinématographiques et photographiques rares, ce film raconte une histoire inoubliable.
Les Derniers Juifs de Libye est l’histoire d’une ancienne communauté modernisée par la culture européenne, secouée par le fascisme et le nationalisme arabe et sauvée en dernier ressort par la force de ses traditions et de sa foi judaïques.
“Gli Ultimi Ebrei della Libia” documenta la fine di una secolare comunità Sefardita, attraverso la vita della famiglia Roumani. Dei 36.000 Ebrei che popolavano la Libia alla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, oggi non ne rimane alcuno.
Cinquanta minuti che documentano le vicende della guerra, di una migrazione culturale, dell’estrema perseveranza di una famiglia di Bengasi, in Libia, e della sua storia attraverso la dominazione Turco-Ottomana, quella fascista e nazista, fino alla distruzione finale e dispersione degli Ebrei della Libia di fronte alla pressione del Nazionalismo Arabo.
La recente scoperta delle memorie della matriarca Elise Roumani, unita alle interviste in Inglese, Ebraico, Italiano e Arabo a diverse generazioni della famiglia, e al ritrovamento di rari archivi cinematografici e fotografici, rende la storia indimenticabile.
“Gli Ultimi Ebrei della Libia” è la storia di un’antica comunità trasformata dalla cultura europea moderna, colpita duramente dal Fascismo e dal Nazionalismo Arabo, ed in ultimo, sopravvissuta grazie alla forza della fede e della tradizione ebraica.
הסרט אחרוני היהודים של לוב מתעד את העשורים האחרונים בחייה של קהילה יהודית ספרדית בת מאות שנים דרך חייהם של בני משפחת רומאני המיוחדת. שלושים וששה אלף יהודים חיו בלוב בסוף מלחמת העולם השנייה, ולא נותר מהם היום אפילו אחד. הסיפור הוא על מלחמה, מעתק תרבותי ועל נחישותה של משפחה אחת, המוצג בסרט שבחמישים דקותיו עוקב אחר קורותיה של משפחת רומאני מבנגאזי שבלוב, החל מימי העותומנים ועד לעידן מוסוליני והיטלר וחורבן הקהילה היהודית,ולהתפוגגותה לנוכח הלאומיות הערבית
בהתבססו על כתבי זיכרונותיה של אם המשפחה, אליסה רומאני, שהתגלו לא מכבר, על ראיונות באנגלית, עברית, איטלקית וערבית עם בני המשפחה לדורותיהם, ועל מטמון של קטעי ארכיון נדירים של סרטים ותצלומים, הופך הסרט לסיפור בלתי נשכח
אחרוני היהודים של לוב הינו סיפורה של קהילה עתיקת יומין, מעוצבת מחדש על ידי התרבות האירופית המודרנית, שחובלה על ידי פאשיזם ולאומנות ערבית, אולם ניצלה בסופו של דבר בזכות דבקותה בדת ובמסורת היהודית
آخر يهود ليبيا
فيلم وثائقي
تعليق : ازبيلا روزليني
إخراج : فيفيان روماني – دن
إنتاج : آرية بوركوف
إن هذا الفيلم الوثائقي يطرح عقوداً لمئات السنين لقدماء اليهود الشرقيين من منظور حياة عائلة الروماني المجيدة. لقد كان عدد سكان ليبيا من اليهود يقارب ستة وثلاثون (36) ألفاً عند نهاية الحرب العالمية الثانية ولكن لم يبق منهم أحداً الآن. إن هذا الفيلم سيعرض خلال خمسون دقيقة قصة عائلة الروماني التي عاشت بمدينة بنغازي – ليبيا ماراً بالدولة العثمانية وحتى نهاية تهديم وفرار يهود ليبيا عقب حقبة حكم موسوليني وهتلر وانتعاش القومية العربية.
يعتمد هذا الفيلم على اكتشاف لمذكرات “المطران” الياس روماني مؤخراً وكذلك على مقابلات باللغة الإنجليزية والإيطالية والعربية لعدة أجيال من عائلة الروماني ويعتمد كذلك على عدة صور وفيلم وثائقي. إن هذا الفيلم حقاً قصة لا تنسَ. يعتبر فيلم آخر يهود ليبيا قصة مجتمع تحول نتيجة لثقافة أوروبية حديثة محاطة بالفاشية وبالقومية العربية تحول إلى شعب حافظ على تراثه وتاريخه بقو ة عزيمته وانتمائه.
The Director
Vivienne Roumani-Denn was 12 years old when her family emigrated to Boston from Benghazi, Libya, where the Roumani family had lived for centuries. Graduate degrees in librarianship and management landed Vivienne positions heading departments at the Johns Hopkins Library and the Library of Congress and directing science and maps libraries at the University of California, Berkeley. She subsequently became the Judaica/Hebraica Librarian at Berkeley, which enabled her to pursue her avocation of research on Sephardic Jewry, including conducting extensive oral histories of Jews from Libya, many of which are in the collections of the Library of Congress and the National Library of Israel and form the basis of several book chapters. She moved to New York City in 1999 and served as the Executive Director of the American Sephardi Federation, founding the Sephardic Library and Archives at the Center for Jewish History. Vivienne conducts interviews in the major languages of the Sephardic world: Arabic, Hebrew, French, Spanish, and Italian. Both The Last Jews of Libya and her more recent prize-winning documentary Out of Print (2013), narrated by Meryl Streep, premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival. Vivienne has published and lectured widely both on information technology, including electronic access, distribution and pricing, and on Sephardic Jewry.

The buzz

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of Jewish life in Libya, in 2017 Vivienne introduced new footage and included English, Italian, and Hebrew subtitles. The Last Jews of Libya Revisited is currently available for purchase on DVDs. The original Last Jews of Libya remains available for streaming.

Movie Review: The Last Jews of Libya at the Jerusalem International Film Festival
By Judy Lash Balint Published July 13, 2007

By Maurice M. Roumani
Professor Maurice M. Roumani, who is featured in the Last Jews of Libya, is the author of a scholarly monograph, The Jews of Libya: Coexistence, Persecution, Rehabilitation,
published by Sussex University Press.

Co-Edited by Jacques Roumani
Dr. Jacques Roumani z”l, who is featured in the Last Jews of Libya, is the co-editor of a collection Jewish Libya: Memory and Identity in Text and Image, published by Syracuse University Press and including a chapter by Vivienne.